Cabbage Rolls with Lemon and Eggs | Lahanodolmades Avgolemono

By Evmorfia Tzagarakis

This Cabbage Rolls with Lemon and Eggs recipe is shared by Efi, one of the winners of our foodie community Mother's Day competition "My mum makes the best...", who won one of the 5 Ladi Biosas Extra Virgin Olive Oil handcrafted ceramic bottles by Melpomeni. But let's hear it from Efi herself:

"My name is Efi derived from my yiayia's name Evmorfia. I have grown up with good food and produce all my life. From a young age my yiayia would  take me to her local market to shop for fresh produce to then take home and cook with. If I wasn’t cooking along her side, I would be learning from my mum. My parents ran a delicatessen which I worked in over the years. I was often left to practise the cooking skills I had been taught to produce food for my younger siblings. When I had my own family I kept growing as a cook by learning from my late mother in law. My love for traditional Greek food has continued to grow as I have. When lockdown hit, I was able to reflect on all I have learnt. 
I reflected on recipes I had forgotten about, passed down by many special people. It made me want to carry the generosity of sharing, passing these recipes down to the next generation keeping traditional recipes alive and making more memories with family. 

The following recipe is one that I grew up with and learnt to make from my mama Maria. It is a favourite of mine which I continue to make for  my family. 
I hope you make it and enjoy it with your loved ones"


  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup lemon juice 

Buy Australia's best quality olive oil online by gourmet grocer Grecian Purveyor.


  • Remove the core of the cabbage and place into salted boiling water, cored part facing down.
  • Boil for 15 minutes and then flip for a further 10-15 minutes.
  • As the leaves start detaching place a strainer to drain.
  • Once you get to the core the leaves are difficult to detach, so remove it and detach once cooled.
  • Place in a large bowl the beef, rice, herbs, olive oil, onion and seasonings. Mix well to combine with your hands.
  • Add water and mix through, the mixture should be moist and if not add a touch more water. 


Take a cabbage leaf, cut out the stem and place 1 tbs of the filling in the centre. Fold both sides over the filling and roll up. Don’t roll too tight as the rise will expand.
Layer into a pot fitting them snug together.
Cover with the leftover cabbage leaves.
Place a plate on top so they don’t fall apart.
Pour enough water or stock to come up to the plate.
Cover and bring to the boil.
Reduce to a simmer and cook for 30-45 minutes.
Carefully remove plate and the cabbage leaves.
Separate egg yolks and whites a little at a time whilst continuously whisking to temper the eggs.
Carefully pour into the pot and shake from side to side to distribute the egg lemon sauce.
Bring to a boil, taste the seasoning and add more salt if needed.
Remove from the heat and allow to rest 15 minutes before serving.
Serve with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and toasted bread. 

Buy Australia's best quality olive oil online by gourmet grocer Grecian Purveyor. Greek recipes and cooking ingredients to buy.

Kali Orexi! 

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